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Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S135-S136, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179118


Introducao: O acometimento do sistema nervoso central (SNC) e raro nas doencas linfoproliferativas B cronicas, sendo mais frequente a recaida nos linfomas nao-Hodgkin agressivos, porem a era pos Rituximab promoveu um ganho para esse perfil de pacientes. Objetivo: Relatar o envolvimento de SNC em 04 pacientes com doencas linfoproliferativas B cronicas e indolentes e revisar a literatura. Relato de caso: Caso 1: Homem, 53 anos, com leucemia linfoide cronica (LLC) Binet A desde 2012 e delecao 17p, apresentou crise convulsiva e rebaixamento neurologico em 12/2021. O liquor mostrou 18,3% de celulas B CD5+, CD19+, CD200+, recebeu imunoquimio intratecal e ibrutinibe sem resposta, LCR ainda infiltrado. Caso 2: Homem, 56 anos, com LLC Binet A desde 07/2021 evoluiu com abrupta piora cognitiva, RNM encefalica previa normal, novo exame em 02/2022 mostrou lesoes expansivas infiltrativas e nodulares intra-axiais bilaterais, compativeis com LNHDGCB (BCL-2+, CD20+, c-Myc+, Ki-67+, MUM1+), LCR normal, tratado com metotrexate (MTX) em altas doses, sem resposta. Caso 3: Mulher, 56 anos, com LNH folicular EC IVA em 2019, recebeu 06 ciclos de R-CHOP e manutencao por 02 anos, em remissao clinica. Em 04/2022 cursou com rapido agravo neurologico. A RNM mostrou lesoes na substancia branca nos hemisferios cerebrais, LCR infiltrado por celulas CD19, CD23, CD20, CD10 positivas, tratada com Ara C em altas doses, regressao das lesoes encefalicas, LCR ainda infiltrado. Caso 4 - Homem, 64 anos, com linfocitose, assintomatico desde 2011, IF de SP CD5- CD20+, CD22+, CD79b+, CD200+, evoluiu em 01/2022 subitamente com rebaixamento neurologico, entubado, LCR com 52,8% de linfocitos B CD19+, CD 20+, CD200+. Intercorreu com infeccao pelo SARS-Cov 19, complicacoes clinicas e obito. Discussao: O envolvimento do SNC nas doencas linfoproliferativas, tanto na apresentacao inicial ou na recidiva, e raro, podendo ser leptomeningeo disseminado e/ou parenquimatoso. Raramente descrito, o acometimento meningeo na LLC e objeto de discussao quanto ao impacto prognostico e ao tratamento. A infiltracao do SNC e mais descrita nos linfomas agressivos em cerca de 5% dos casos. Descrevemos 04 casos com envolvimento SNC em patologias de comportamento tipicamente indolente. Lemma et al. exploraram o papel dos marcadores biologicos que podem conferir as celulas do linfoma tropismo pelo SNC, altos niveis de Integrina alpha 10 e PTEN em amostras de tecido foram associadas a este tropismo, enquanto a expressao de CD44 e caderina-11 parecem ser protetivas, estes dados sao preliminares e precisam de validacao. A apresentacao clinica e heterogenea, desde alteracao comportamental, cefaleia, meningismo, hidrocefalia, e hipertensao intracraniana. No tratamento do linfoma primario de SNC o MTX e fundamental, mas ainda nao ha consenso em relacao a profilaxia e ao protocolo padrao nas recaidas. Fica claro que a dose de MTX IT parece insuficiente para tratar as formas parenquimatosas. Quando ha envolvimento meningeo, a via IT pode ser usada, mas os dados sobre os resultados nao sao conclusivos. Conclusao: O tratamento dos pacientes que apresentam infiltracao SNC permanece um desafio principalmente nos linfomas indolentes, considerando a dificuldade de padronizar tratamento eficaz, de menor toxicidade e a gravidade das sequelas por vezes irreversiveis. O mecanismo associado a invasao e a predilecao de alguns casos pelo SNC permanece incerto. Copyright © 2022

Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 43:S103, 2021.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-1859598


Introduction: Diffuse Large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common non-Hodgkin lymphoma, which accounts for approximately 30% of all non-Hodgkin lymphoma cases. Spontaneous remission of DLBCL is exceedingly rare, with only a handful of case reports that describe the phenomenon present in the literature. Specialists are investigating similar cases to find out whether the SARS-CoV-2 infection triggered an antitumor immune response, as has been described with other infections in the context of high-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma. We report one case of an elderly woman with EBV positive DLBCL diagnosed with PCR-positive SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia in the course of the disease and their outcomes. Case report: A 81 years-old woman, was referred to the consult ambulatory of intern medicine with progressive cervical, axillary and inguinal lymphadenopathy with local pain, fever and weight loss. The biopsy of an axillary lymph node demonstrated diffuse atypical lymphoid infiltrate. Immunohistochemistry stains showed positive CD20, CD30, Bcl-2 and MUM-1. It was negative for CD3, CD10, Bcl-6, c-Myc and CMV. The Ki-67 proliferation index was 80%. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) stain were positive. These findings were consistent with DLBCL, EBV positive, clinical Stage IIIB and R-IPI 4 (poor prognosis and high risk). Since PET-CT was unavailable, thorax and abdomen computed tomographies were performed and revealed enlarged lymph node on pulmonary hilum, pathological lymph node enlargement in the axillary and supraclavicular chains bilaterally and peri aortocaval adenomegaly, extending along the bilateral femoral iliac vessels (larger lymph nodes of 2.5cm). She was treated with 4 cycles of R-CVP (rituximab with cyclophosphamide, vincristine and prednisone). When an interim PET-CT was performed, disease progression was revealed (Lugano score 5). Therefore, considering patient age and clinical status, treatment scheme was changed to R-mini-CHOP (rituximab with reduced doses of cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone), achieving partial response after 4 cycles (Lugano score 4). A month after this evaluation, she was admitted to the Emergency Department with diarrhea, fever and was diagnosed with PCR-positive SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia. After 6-days hospitalization with no significant ventilatory impairment, she was discharged. No corticosteroid or immunochemotherapy was administered. Two months later, she had no palpable lymphadenopathy and a PET/CT scan revealed widespread resolution of the lymphadenopathy and reduced metabolic uptake throughout (Lugano score 1). After a 7-months follow-up, the patient still has no clinical relapse. Discussion: The putative mechanisms of action include cross-reactivity of pathogen-specic T cells with tumour antigens and natural killer cell activation by inammatory cytokines produced in response to infection. It is important to consider that the more cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, the more likely it is to analyze lymphoma remissions and demonstrate the exact mechanism of pathogen-specific T cells with tumor antigens. Conclusion: Because spontaneous remission of DLBCL associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection is a new event, careful investigation of these cases is important, because the information gained may lead to new therapeutic targets or treatment strategies for future patients.